Rick Mabrey
Jan 1, 2021
My students about to graduate in 1990

Hey racist…

yehhh you!

I remember you.

Weren’t you that kid in first grade

spewing those nasty things

about skin color

and religions

not like yours?

Yehhh I remember you,

your mom and dad,

grandma and grandpa,

using the same bad words

you tossed out

like a parrot

at recess.

Yehhh, that was you.

Howya been?

Whereya been so long?

What’d ya grow up to be

with all that stuff

inside you?

Where’d ya go on vacation

to sidestep

all those people

you hated ?

Yehhh I can imagine.

Life’s been tough eh?

Hard to fit in

talking that stuff

you grew up with.

Hey racist…

any kids

along the way?

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